Friday, March 4, 2011

Questions ( Berta Rivkina)

1) How did that unfortunate event of you being taken away affect the person you are now?

2) Did you ever get to be reunited with your family again and how?

3) How did you plan your escape were you the only one to know about it?

4) If Hitler was still alive and you had a chance to come face to face with him besides killing him what would you do?

5) Did you ever fall in love with anyone once you escaped and were free ?

Testimony clips

Honestly i just wanted to cry , just what they had to go through is so unfair. my eyes where tearing up when he was talking about his mom and the last words he heard from her. that right there just broke my heart. How can anyone do such a thing to the human race in general. It really was emotional and i feel from that video that it shows me that we as people tend to take things for granted . people for granted we don't cherish are lives and don't spend it with the people that truly matter. rather we like to play games in our adolescence and think everything is about having fun when were not even promise tomorrow and neither are our loved ones. I also was feeling at the same time really angry i just wish all those Nazis a horrible life and they are disgusting and deserve the worst i wish that karma really bites them!

Enigma machine WW2

This is an Enigma machine . This was used in World War II to deliver secret messages. The first Enigma was created by a German engineer named Arthur Scherbius. This invention helped a lot in World War II because 5 weeks before World War II began the Polish Cipher Bureau gave Enigma-decryption techniques and equipment to French and British military intelligence. And because of that during the war, allied code breakers were able to crack a large amount of messages that had been converted to a secret code using Enigma. The information that was gathered from this was a great aid for the Allied war effort.
