Friday, November 19, 2010

imperialism (sydney white )

Sydney white is about a young lady who is going to be a freshman in college and wants to be in what once was her mother’s sorority, the Kappa Phi.  But it isn't that easy she soon discovers when she tries to be a part of the Kappa Phi. Sadly it is not what it used to be nor does it stand for what it did before. Now for some reason everyone is terrified of them and no one will stand up for themselves. Kappa Phi ends up being the ring master that puts everyone into place no one even attempt to step out of line because they’re afraid of what they'd do to them. This can relate to imperialism because imperialism is a stronger nation that oppresses a weaker one. And the imperialist is Rachel the young woman who is the president of Kappa Phi who no one dares to step up to her except Sydney White. She decides that she’s had enough of how Rachel keeps treating people and getting things her way. Rachel basically leads the other sororities without her even paying attention to it. People don't have options and nor do they state their own opinion. She’s so powerful that not even the sisters of this sorority will speak up to her. Neither do other groups, students and people that have been in that college longer than her. She knows how to manipulate many students easily and get things done without even basically raising a finger. When she feels that someone is trying to be more popular than her or people aren't starting to like her she starts to go crazy and sabotages that person’s life to gladly see them fail. Which is like an imperialist country they don't want anyone else to have power. They want to be in charge and have people followed them at all times. If a country tries to take their power or place in high power the nation usually does something to stop it. No nation or person wants to feel powerless so they do anything that's possible to maintain the higher ranking status. she tend to be greedy and most of the time self centered and that's what the majority of powerful people do and nations. they do things to make them selves look good not really for the benefit of the others. Rather to show off and say look what id did kind of  thing.

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