Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dear editor,

Wiki Links has just brought nothing but disaster to our country. Its just madness, who in the right mind who do something like this and expose classified information that has nothing to do with them in the first place. this man Julian Assange is whom i consider a cyber terrorist that needs to be stop . Sure he is allowing us to see whats happening in our country and the true things that happen in the military , but in all honesty i feel that this classified information is meant to be classified for a reason it isn't meant to been seen by our eyes. Not saying that the Government always knows best but , things like this shouldn't be exposed. Its our military and what happens in the war should stay in the war and not be weighted upon us. When people hear and see this footage all there going to see is what they want to  and start blaming soldiers out there. when in reality they do not know whats happening to them, what they have the soldiers have to face on a daily basis, what they have been exposed to. People don't know what it is to live and be in war unless they have been in it. And really what these videos are doing is not justice but rather its tearing our country apart . it is allowing for us as people to look at the footage and pick out things that our soldiers are doing wrong instead of looking on the bright side that these soldiers have a lot of courage for what they do. People just need to shut up and realize that everyone makes mistakes and that people die everyday. if people get killed oh well its war that's what happens. HELLO ! sometimes one life has to be sacrificed for others to be safe and i do not know about you but i rather have one life taken to save a nation than have a nation taken to save one of life.

Who do you work for?

 for starters if you want to get information from these prisoners you can not be too nice to them because you'll never get any info out of them . you most likely would need to do some exercises with them such as sleep deprivation , or that water thing where you lay the person flat and have a towel over there head or you just simply play mind tricks with them. you don't have to go into such drastic measures and almost kill the person because what justice does that do and how does that help anyone one ?  If you keep messing with them emotionally your sure to get information some how. And if anyone mistreats theses prisoners then a short term response would be to make that person take a break for a couple of weeks and the long term response would be to fire them.

U.S and Germany Blog

     Originally the United States had no interest in being involved in the war. The only reason why they decided to go in to WW1 was because the sinking of the Lusitania ,because of the Germans. For the U.S words that stick out are  Government, German , Without and war. With such words it shows how the U.S wanted to be without war and the Germans did some harm to the U.S government that caused them to join the war. While the Germans focused more on the American's peace, their plan to sink the U.S submarine , and illegal. they did illegal things to get what they wanted . 

Monday, December 13, 2010

CALL Of Duty (weekly article)

Games such as Call of Duty seem to give the wrong impression of what it really is to be in war. For  one this game and many other games such as these seem to make war fun and interesting. The better you play the more levels you get to . sure this game seems like your in war but its just a game. Many people take this game serious and think because they know how to do many things in this game and play with different guns that their considered a war expert , when in reality they aren't. Call of Duty is just a game it isn't reality. So why should we promote games such as these to our society and give them the wrong image on what its like to be in war. Just because you might be the best C.O.D player ever does not mean you have experience in real war that are fought today. People don't take into consideration that this game does not show half of the things you see in war today. The creators of this game make there own ideal image of what war is like. the thing is at the end of the game the players end up not loosing anything , when in the real world you can loose everything. we can always see images of peoples heads blowing off but never feel the emotions a real solider will shooting off someones head. People in reality end up going crazy after coming out of the war , having to kill people and shoot the heads off that can really mess someone up. while the player just sits at home disappointed because he missed a shot. in war you cant just reset the button because you lost or pause it to text someone its real life and its coming at you wither your ready or not.War isn't a game its life and sad to say but games such as these give us the impression that war is a game it is not life. 

Friday, December 3, 2010


What might have been going through that pilot's mind was how first to fly the plane and shoot at the same time. Most likely he would be coming up with stategies on what certian points to hit the other plane and how to get a good aim without crashing. worried about the plane crashing and him dying and letting the enemy win. It seems scaring you can die in a matter of seconds .

Love and Kisses to Pat from her George

To have just one way to communicate "the letter" would be horrible. What can a letter do ? yea, sure you get to see how their doing but that's only what every month? the thing is you only get to read what their going through and how their doing , but your never an eye witness yourself. It must be frustrating not to be able to see pictures on what your missing because your so far away. you don't get to touch that person , nor can you speak to them . How does someone Know if someone is truly doing well from a letter. you can only hope that their doing well and what they say is true. What about the troops who had families back then? IT must of been really hard for them to miss out on their child's life and not be able to watch them grow.