Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dear editor,

Wiki Links has just brought nothing but disaster to our country. Its just madness, who in the right mind who do something like this and expose classified information that has nothing to do with them in the first place. this man Julian Assange is whom i consider a cyber terrorist that needs to be stop . Sure he is allowing us to see whats happening in our country and the true things that happen in the military , but in all honesty i feel that this classified information is meant to be classified for a reason it isn't meant to been seen by our eyes. Not saying that the Government always knows best but , things like this shouldn't be exposed. Its our military and what happens in the war should stay in the war and not be weighted upon us. When people hear and see this footage all there going to see is what they want to  and start blaming soldiers out there. when in reality they do not know whats happening to them, what they have the soldiers have to face on a daily basis, what they have been exposed to. People don't know what it is to live and be in war unless they have been in it. And really what these videos are doing is not justice but rather its tearing our country apart . it is allowing for us as people to look at the footage and pick out things that our soldiers are doing wrong instead of looking on the bright side that these soldiers have a lot of courage for what they do. People just need to shut up and realize that everyone makes mistakes and that people die everyday. if people get killed oh well its war that's what happens. HELLO ! sometimes one life has to be sacrificed for others to be safe and i do not know about you but i rather have one life taken to save a nation than have a nation taken to save one of life.

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