Friday, September 10, 2010

its easy to judge but never understand!

Why do you think that stereotypes are so widely known by so many in our society?

There are stereotypes everywhere you go ,whether if your in school , at work or even while watching tv. The reason why I think people tend to stereotype a lot is because its more convenient for them to judge then to actually get to know someone and who they truly are. which is wrong because not everyone is the same. We as humans just tend to be lazy and not want to make an effort in getting to know someone, as to we feel that it wastes our useful time. A big thing that people tend to stereotype a lot on is ethnicity, they always have rude remarks or comments on someone and how there going to be without actually knowing there name first or who they are. which to me is dumb , how can someone assume what a persons going to be like or act like just based on there ethnicity? like  for example if  someone saw a Muslim person ,they would quickly assume that they're a terrorist who wants to do harm to the U.S. Which isn't true , not all Muslims or Arabic's are terrorist. But because of the way the media puts these people and their ethnicity down we assume that all of them are like that and its okay to say that, when its really not.

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