Friday, September 10, 2010

we're fighting for each other in the end..

Was Lt. Col. Chamberlain right? Can a moral idea win a war?

I personally feel that he was completely right without a doubt. The states shouldn't have been separated with a line from free state to slave it should have been equal like it is today. I mean wasn't that what America stood for , freedom. Not judgment , on who you are or who you want to be. What ever happen to back then with "this land is your land , this land is my land". America is suppose to be a land of opportunity not segregation. We all live under one nation .and whether they liked it or not we fought for one another. If your fighting for the United States , then your fighting for everyone living in that country not just yourself. We as citizens of this country make up the United States with different talents we have, and backgrounds. Imagen how boring it would be to live under a nation where everyone is the same , in taste , food , language, ethnicity and so on. we all have value and no matter who you are. In addition i also think that a moral idea can win a war because don't you need ideas in order to figure out strategies in what type of techniques your going to use during the war in order to win.

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