Thursday, February 24, 2011

To the ground he must return

Who's at risk?

Countries such as the U.S should get involved in interventions with countries that are being currently threatened by genocide for several reasons. One being aren't we the United States Of America where we believe in freedom and rights? Of course we are, we deal with so much countries already and some that we don't need to even in the first place be sticking are noses into. Honestly if we can be allies to so many people and help one another out why not help these countries out that are facing even worse problems. We are so fortunate in this county and waste the resources we have to help one another. For example we throw so much food out and waste it and you have so many people become fat and greedy when we could use that extra food for places like Sudan; who are starving out there. We also have such a great military that could fight for enslavement of women and children by government-support militias. We as a country should be helping countries out like Bosina who are having ethnic cleansing like what the heck is wrong with these people if you are Bosniak or
Croatian then thats who you where ment to be and sadly people in this world are freaking sick and cant accept the fact that were different and we need people in this country to help protect people !!

Cinderella Man outline

James J. Braddock

This man was not your ordinary boxer rather a box that used his talent to save his family .

James J. Braddock was born in New york City , became a professional boxer in 1926. While boxing was going on The Great Depression was taking place and he was unavailable to put food on the table for his family . he faced many struggles in life including poverty . But that didn't stop him from ending his boxing career rather it became his biggest motive . He forced him self to continue on and to fight to support his family and in the end put his life at risk and beats the undefeated Max Baer.

Cinderella man

Part I:

-James breaks his wrist
-his wife and 3 kids are introduced. ( one girl and two boys)

Part II:
- The Great Depression comes in and plays a major role in Braddock's family life
- His Family looses everything
-Electric and heat gets turned off
- Not enough food for the family and no income coming in

Part III.
- James runs into luck and His manager Joe gets him a fight at Madison Square Garden
- He continues to win his fights but his wife worries he will get hurt again.

Part IV.
- James has to now fight the most dangerous boxer of all Jimmy " The under dog"
who has killed several people while boxing
- then in Jun 13, 1935 Braddock defeats Jimmy and becomes Heavy Weight Champion of The World .

Friday, February 11, 2011

what i learned

What I learned from these group presentations was that many of these criminals didn't really start off with a criminal background. what lead majority of these people to commiting crimes was for the money. It seems that they wanted hungry for some respect and to have a good reputation amongst others. In addition i actually got to learn about Bonnie and Clyde which was pretty interesting . i never new they were a couple i thought it was two ladies that worked together. I found out that together Bonnie and Clyde committed crimes together, stole cars and ended up dieing because they were shot in a stolen vehicle more than 60 times.

Topic 7 study guide

The Scopes Trail- John Scopes a Tennessee teacher was put on trail for teaching evolutionism.

Prohibition- was pushed by women's organizations for prevention of domestic violence and child abuse. went into effect January 1920.

Flapper- were young woman of the 1920's who wore revealing clothing , smoked cigarettes and had short hair.

Economic Issues- was caused by a huge demand for consumer goods due to everyone was getting money from the bank.

Dust Bowl- was caused mainly by technology machines that did not let the dirt recover and drought.

Aricultural issues-the Dust Bowl had a huge impact on the amount of crops that were able to be produced in the U.S.

Immigration policies -Ethnic groups are limited to 2% of count in 1890 and in addition Asians were banned entirely.

Nativism- It's when a country prefers their native people rather than the immigrants that come to their land.
The Great Migration- A massive population shift were African Americans moved from the South to the North.

Sacco and Vanzetti- Italian Anarchist charged with murder and found guilty two times. they both were sentenced to death in 1987 at Harles Town Prison

The Red Scare- were the United states became afraid of communists, socialists, anarchist and anything that wasn't American. they would put anyone in jail that they found suspicious.

Schneck v. The United States- Epionange and sedition acts were declared constitutional by the Supreme Court

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Evolutionism does not make sense

With all honesty I find it very stupid to say that life and the creation of this universe all generated from one thing and that thing came from another and so forth. That right there just gets me lost how can someone say that life came from something without a creator? Creationism on the other hand makes sense ,  its says that life was created by a creator and that same creator made these plants and trees and everything else. That the creator was the person who made mother nature to begin with. While Evolutionism just says were all made from the same thing ? last time I check we can move , talk and walk while trees don't they just stand there. And if there wasn't a such thing as a creator then tell me this why is it that so many people believe in a Creator no matter what Ethnic group you come from or religion.  Majority of  people believe that there is a creator that made everything. I feel that we should teach Creationism so that this nonsense of evolutionism would stop for once .

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

acrostic poem

Predestination is believed                                   
Original robots
Hell is where you'll go if you dont live our way
In to living the right way
Be like us 
In temptaion you fall
The life outside is evil
I nside you stay
Old Americans trying to find their way
No to fun

Rebls in life
Obviously we don't care
Against prohibition
Rejected the effects due to their actions
Indifferent about religion 
Not for living by rules
Getting wasted all the time

To live you need to have fun
What's fun with bounderies?
Explore the world
Not into doing whats right 
To us we can care less
Ignorante to many things
Everyone lives their own life the way they choose
See through my eyes and learn how to have fun