Thursday, February 24, 2011

Who's at risk?

Countries such as the U.S should get involved in interventions with countries that are being currently threatened by genocide for several reasons. One being aren't we the United States Of America where we believe in freedom and rights? Of course we are, we deal with so much countries already and some that we don't need to even in the first place be sticking are noses into. Honestly if we can be allies to so many people and help one another out why not help these countries out that are facing even worse problems. We are so fortunate in this county and waste the resources we have to help one another. For example we throw so much food out and waste it and you have so many people become fat and greedy when we could use that extra food for places like Sudan; who are starving out there. We also have such a great military that could fight for enslavement of women and children by government-support militias. We as a country should be helping countries out like Bosina who are having ethnic cleansing like what the heck is wrong with these people if you are Bosniak or
Croatian then thats who you where ment to be and sadly people in this world are freaking sick and cant accept the fact that were different and we need people in this country to help protect people !!

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