Friday, February 11, 2011

Topic 7 study guide

The Scopes Trail- John Scopes a Tennessee teacher was put on trail for teaching evolutionism.

Prohibition- was pushed by women's organizations for prevention of domestic violence and child abuse. went into effect January 1920.

Flapper- were young woman of the 1920's who wore revealing clothing , smoked cigarettes and had short hair.

Economic Issues- was caused by a huge demand for consumer goods due to everyone was getting money from the bank.

Dust Bowl- was caused mainly by technology machines that did not let the dirt recover and drought.

Aricultural issues-the Dust Bowl had a huge impact on the amount of crops that were able to be produced in the U.S.

Immigration policies -Ethnic groups are limited to 2% of count in 1890 and in addition Asians were banned entirely.

Nativism- It's when a country prefers their native people rather than the immigrants that come to their land.
The Great Migration- A massive population shift were African Americans moved from the South to the North.

Sacco and Vanzetti- Italian Anarchist charged with murder and found guilty two times. they both were sentenced to death in 1987 at Harles Town Prison

The Red Scare- were the United states became afraid of communists, socialists, anarchist and anything that wasn't American. they would put anyone in jail that they found suspicious.

Schneck v. The United States- Epionange and sedition acts were declared constitutional by the Supreme Court

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