Friday, October 1, 2010

Ride 'em Cowboy!

Majority of the time we always hear about Cowboys, rarely do we hear about Cowgirls. Maybe its because on TV they only really show us about the Cowboy because its easier for Hollywood and other Television producers to protrade what a "Cowboy" is. And that's the problem many people do not know what exactly a "cowboy" is , we assume their guys who wear these weird boots , who always carry guns on them and constantly having duels. We don't think of the hard work they do , or struggles they had to make, or if they even had a family to support. We just make the assumption that cowboys just shoot people all day and really don't do much. To start off with many of these Cowboys had to leave their family and friends behind in the East to try to move on and create a better life in the West. In addition to that creating a new family with other cowboys was a part of their job. Majority of their time they would spend it riding around  the ranch , roping the horses and cattle and preparing the meat for dinner. Since they did not have stoves back then as we do now they would cook their meals out of a covered wagon. Other jobs that Cowboys did where at times to help break a horse which was a very difficult thing to do depending on the type of breed especially.   Many of the time Cowboys would put themselves in danger when trying to put a saddle on the horse because the horses could always react and injury someone because of fear or being uncomfortable. Since it was out West where the Cowboys traveled to and lived ,it was a more arid and dry climate they had to work in. Which means the weather that they had over there made it really difficult at times to get their jobs done as to cowboys were always wearing pants and long sleeve shirts. But that's not the worst part, the worst part is the had to travel large distances to get where they wanted to go. As you can see they didn't really have an easy life , where work wasn't a necessary, nothing was handed to them or invented to make their lives more easier.
         Through Hollywood's eyes this is how they protrade a cowboy. They first of all where tough men who ,drank and fought often. You would see many duels take place in movies and TV shows where two rivals would face each other and wait for one to pull the trigger.  They always were well groomed . What kind of cowboy in the 1800s is going was well groomed all the time? The cowboy for some reason that was considered the "hero" always won his dream girl. Hollywood made life as a cowboy seem fun and simple not a lot of work involved . They never showed what an actual cowboy does on an everyday life besides ride horses all day and get into fights. In conclusion , there are many diffrences in what a real cowboy is compared to what a cowboy is in Hollywoods version.

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