Wednesday, October 20, 2010

go blogging ! :D

Weekly Article Topic:
Discuss why you agree or disagree with the blogging assessment system used in this course. Your opinion will not affect your grade. You will be assessed on how you formulate your argument.

I agree with the blogging assessments because for one , its not something that makes me stressed out as to other assignments that i get on a daily bases. Like math for example , that class takes me forever to finish one problem and i have 10 problems to do usually . then on top of that i have other homework i have to do like English homework. psych reading, and chemistry. and with blogging i don't have to worry about getting it done right away because i have till Friday to complete it. Blogging also i feel is a fun way to learn and write down your answers without feeling annoyed by other people in your class wanting to get the answers from you. Basically when your blogging you have to blog alone its an independent thing , which i like because i can focus more and understand what I'm doing. As to when your in the classroom or just in your room reading pages and having to answer questions you get easily distracted by people and by things. when reading a boring page on history i tend to loose focus and do something else but when your blogging the information you learn about isn't that long to read and they actually get to the point of why what your reading is important.
text books tend to be very boring to read and sometimes there message that they are trying to reveal gets confusing.  Also we are in the 21 century why not blog? why not take advantage of the technology we have now and days. i think that people will tend to do their homework more often if its like blogging because its online and we as students that are teenagers are always online and have access to computers and the Internet no matter where you are. so it would be more convenient to do things such as blogging for us. I remember when it was the first day and you told us we weren't going to have textbooks and majority of our work was going to be on the computer ,i was kind of excited and at the same time scared in a way because i was so used to doing work with a text book rather than computer. but then the first blogging assignment i did i thought it was great because it showed me that learning doesn't have to be boring , it can be interesting for once .

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