Wednesday, October 13, 2010

This land is your land, this land is my land..

Many of the feelings that i think these immigrants where feeling was a mixture of happiness, confusion , and a feeling of being scared.  In these pictures some of the people are smiling and some aren't ,but a smile can hide many feelings . Maybe these immigrants would smile to show that they where happy to come but at the same time they were scared. After all its a new country that most likely they didn't know anything about. Which made it difficult for many to get around places and find jobs. Majority of the immigrants didn't speak English and nor did they all speak one language. people where coming from everywhere. many of these people had huge families which would be hard to support. most of them were illiterate , never went to school and most likely didn't have an education. so they ended up working in places such as a textile company were they would get paid less than minium wage. they had to work in horriable conditions not only from sunrise to sunset but a little longer. no breaks , they eyes would be swollen and tired. there hands would be aching. they worked so much they even would fall asleep while they where working and dream about there job.

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