Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dear editor,

Wiki Links has just brought nothing but disaster to our country. Its just madness, who in the right mind who do something like this and expose classified information that has nothing to do with them in the first place. this man Julian Assange is whom i consider a cyber terrorist that needs to be stop . Sure he is allowing us to see whats happening in our country and the true things that happen in the military , but in all honesty i feel that this classified information is meant to be classified for a reason it isn't meant to been seen by our eyes. Not saying that the Government always knows best but , things like this shouldn't be exposed. Its our military and what happens in the war should stay in the war and not be weighted upon us. When people hear and see this footage all there going to see is what they want to  and start blaming soldiers out there. when in reality they do not know whats happening to them, what they have the soldiers have to face on a daily basis, what they have been exposed to. People don't know what it is to live and be in war unless they have been in it. And really what these videos are doing is not justice but rather its tearing our country apart . it is allowing for us as people to look at the footage and pick out things that our soldiers are doing wrong instead of looking on the bright side that these soldiers have a lot of courage for what they do. People just need to shut up and realize that everyone makes mistakes and that people die everyday. if people get killed oh well its war that's what happens. HELLO ! sometimes one life has to be sacrificed for others to be safe and i do not know about you but i rather have one life taken to save a nation than have a nation taken to save one of life.

Who do you work for?

 for starters if you want to get information from these prisoners you can not be too nice to them because you'll never get any info out of them . you most likely would need to do some exercises with them such as sleep deprivation , or that water thing where you lay the person flat and have a towel over there head or you just simply play mind tricks with them. you don't have to go into such drastic measures and almost kill the person because what justice does that do and how does that help anyone one ?  If you keep messing with them emotionally your sure to get information some how. And if anyone mistreats theses prisoners then a short term response would be to make that person take a break for a couple of weeks and the long term response would be to fire them.

U.S and Germany Blog

     Originally the United States had no interest in being involved in the war. The only reason why they decided to go in to WW1 was because the sinking of the Lusitania ,because of the Germans. For the U.S words that stick out are  Government, German , Without and war. With such words it shows how the U.S wanted to be without war and the Germans did some harm to the U.S government that caused them to join the war. While the Germans focused more on the American's peace, their plan to sink the U.S submarine , and illegal. they did illegal things to get what they wanted . 

Monday, December 13, 2010

CALL Of Duty (weekly article)

Games such as Call of Duty seem to give the wrong impression of what it really is to be in war. For  one this game and many other games such as these seem to make war fun and interesting. The better you play the more levels you get to . sure this game seems like your in war but its just a game. Many people take this game serious and think because they know how to do many things in this game and play with different guns that their considered a war expert , when in reality they aren't. Call of Duty is just a game it isn't reality. So why should we promote games such as these to our society and give them the wrong image on what its like to be in war. Just because you might be the best C.O.D player ever does not mean you have experience in real war that are fought today. People don't take into consideration that this game does not show half of the things you see in war today. The creators of this game make there own ideal image of what war is like. the thing is at the end of the game the players end up not loosing anything , when in the real world you can loose everything. we can always see images of peoples heads blowing off but never feel the emotions a real solider will shooting off someones head. People in reality end up going crazy after coming out of the war , having to kill people and shoot the heads off that can really mess someone up. while the player just sits at home disappointed because he missed a shot. in war you cant just reset the button because you lost or pause it to text someone its real life and its coming at you wither your ready or not.War isn't a game its life and sad to say but games such as these give us the impression that war is a game it is not life. 

Friday, December 3, 2010


What might have been going through that pilot's mind was how first to fly the plane and shoot at the same time. Most likely he would be coming up with stategies on what certian points to hit the other plane and how to get a good aim without crashing. worried about the plane crashing and him dying and letting the enemy win. It seems scaring you can die in a matter of seconds .

Love and Kisses to Pat from her George

To have just one way to communicate "the letter" would be horrible. What can a letter do ? yea, sure you get to see how their doing but that's only what every month? the thing is you only get to read what their going through and how their doing , but your never an eye witness yourself. It must be frustrating not to be able to see pictures on what your missing because your so far away. you don't get to touch that person , nor can you speak to them . How does someone Know if someone is truly doing well from a letter. you can only hope that their doing well and what they say is true. What about the troops who had families back then? IT must of been really hard for them to miss out on their child's life and not be able to watch them grow.

Friday, November 19, 2010

imperialism (sydney white )

Sydney white is about a young lady who is going to be a freshman in college and wants to be in what once was her mother’s sorority, the Kappa Phi.  But it isn't that easy she soon discovers when she tries to be a part of the Kappa Phi. Sadly it is not what it used to be nor does it stand for what it did before. Now for some reason everyone is terrified of them and no one will stand up for themselves. Kappa Phi ends up being the ring master that puts everyone into place no one even attempt to step out of line because they’re afraid of what they'd do to them. This can relate to imperialism because imperialism is a stronger nation that oppresses a weaker one. And the imperialist is Rachel the young woman who is the president of Kappa Phi who no one dares to step up to her except Sydney White. She decides that she’s had enough of how Rachel keeps treating people and getting things her way. Rachel basically leads the other sororities without her even paying attention to it. People don't have options and nor do they state their own opinion. She’s so powerful that not even the sisters of this sorority will speak up to her. Neither do other groups, students and people that have been in that college longer than her. She knows how to manipulate many students easily and get things done without even basically raising a finger. When she feels that someone is trying to be more popular than her or people aren't starting to like her she starts to go crazy and sabotages that person’s life to gladly see them fail. Which is like an imperialist country they don't want anyone else to have power. They want to be in charge and have people followed them at all times. If a country tries to take their power or place in high power the nation usually does something to stop it. No nation or person wants to feel powerless so they do anything that's possible to maintain the higher ranking status. she tend to be greedy and most of the time self centered and that's what the majority of powerful people do and nations. they do things to make them selves look good not really for the benefit of the others. Rather to show off and say look what id did kind of  thing.

pic from:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

five hundred lives were lost for every mile 55miles = 25,000 lives

Dear journal,

Today well, its like any other day out here its horriable. people die from life to right. drop dead in a matter of one day. Malaria, Yellow Fever, dysentery, typhoid, dengue are all over there air waiting to take its next victim. i know my chances are very slim to live now and im scared that im going to be the next tommorow to die. just today two friends of mine died , one from being crushed under a mud slide and the other being  suffercated due to  noxious gases . tomorrow i have to unfortunatley be the person to transport the thousands of fifty pound boxes of dynamite on my head ,  and go along with the men who drilled the charge holes into the side of rocky precipices . many people have died from doing this and i am terrified of being next.

No more SOA!

. Should the United States be able to operate such an organization and train people in the practice of the coup d'etat? Use the facts from the SOA site to help you formulate your argument. Blog about it.

I strongly disagree with  the United States getting  involved with any country and trying to make people go against there own country. for one i understand that the U.S. is trying to help out the spanish countries but in all honesty their not. The United states is just making everything worse . For one how are you going to train any spanish person who wants to join the School Of Americas without even knowning their true intentions. how stupid is that. Basically what the United States is doing is just training spanish countries from the knowledge that we know and sharing our secrets with them so they can go against their own country and eventually theres a possibilty they can attack us. an example of people from a spanish country that used there tranning from the SOA for the wrong reason was in Colombia where there was a big massacre where the murders are believed to people soldiers who were trained by the SOA. they killed innocent people! is that what the United States wants to help train people to go back to their country and massacre innocent people?

charlie and the chocolate factory

In the movie Charlie in the Chocolate Factory your Bourgeois group ends up being the Umpa Lumpas who made the chocolate and sweets, tested out new ideas and basically did everything. And the person in power is Willy Wonka who without his Umpa lumpas his Chocolate Factory would have failed. Since there wouldn’t have been people to help make his chocolate and test out his new ideas. For the Proletarians those things in the movie is basically the wonka bars golden ticket contest , that made every kid around the world want to purchase a wonka bar in return of hopefully winning the golden ticket and being able to go inside Willy Wonka's chocolate Factory. And because of the many kids that got their parents to purchase that candy for them, Wonka and his factory where benefiting from all the money they were getting in return. In addition the Umpa Lumpas had to produce ridiculous amounts of Wonka bars to satisfy their costumer's needs.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

go blogging ! :D

Weekly Article Topic:
Discuss why you agree or disagree with the blogging assessment system used in this course. Your opinion will not affect your grade. You will be assessed on how you formulate your argument.

I agree with the blogging assessments because for one , its not something that makes me stressed out as to other assignments that i get on a daily bases. Like math for example , that class takes me forever to finish one problem and i have 10 problems to do usually . then on top of that i have other homework i have to do like English homework. psych reading, and chemistry. and with blogging i don't have to worry about getting it done right away because i have till Friday to complete it. Blogging also i feel is a fun way to learn and write down your answers without feeling annoyed by other people in your class wanting to get the answers from you. Basically when your blogging you have to blog alone its an independent thing , which i like because i can focus more and understand what I'm doing. As to when your in the classroom or just in your room reading pages and having to answer questions you get easily distracted by people and by things. when reading a boring page on history i tend to loose focus and do something else but when your blogging the information you learn about isn't that long to read and they actually get to the point of why what your reading is important.
text books tend to be very boring to read and sometimes there message that they are trying to reveal gets confusing.  Also we are in the 21 century why not blog? why not take advantage of the technology we have now and days. i think that people will tend to do their homework more often if its like blogging because its online and we as students that are teenagers are always online and have access to computers and the Internet no matter where you are. so it would be more convenient to do things such as blogging for us. I remember when it was the first day and you told us we weren't going to have textbooks and majority of our work was going to be on the computer ,i was kind of excited and at the same time scared in a way because i was so used to doing work with a text book rather than computer. but then the first blogging assignment i did i thought it was great because it showed me that learning doesn't have to be boring , it can be interesting for once .

:) six word story was the best!

Which blogging topic was your favorite from first quarter?
my favorite blog was the six word story because i liked how i could be creative with it .

from paper to pen to ---> blogging -_-

Was your learning different when blogging, as compared to writing just pen and paper? Explain.
My learning experience was probably better i would have to say. Because with blogging i dont feel so rushed as i do in class sometimes, and i can actually read my what i type . As to sometimes when im doing my work my penminship tends to be a little sloppy. With paper and pen its boring doing assignment like that , you just write by hand and sometimes not even learn anything. But blogging i feel you in away get to be free and you can always check if you have mispelled words.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

This land is your land, this land is my land..

Many of the feelings that i think these immigrants where feeling was a mixture of happiness, confusion , and a feeling of being scared.  In these pictures some of the people are smiling and some aren't ,but a smile can hide many feelings . Maybe these immigrants would smile to show that they where happy to come but at the same time they were scared. After all its a new country that most likely they didn't know anything about. Which made it difficult for many to get around places and find jobs. Majority of the immigrants didn't speak English and nor did they all speak one language. people where coming from everywhere. many of these people had huge families which would be hard to support. most of them were illiterate , never went to school and most likely didn't have an education. so they ended up working in places such as a textile company were they would get paid less than minium wage. they had to work in horriable conditions not only from sunrise to sunset but a little longer. no breaks , they eyes would be swollen and tired. there hands would be aching. they worked so much they even would fall asleep while they where working and dream about there job.

its not linen your wearing out , but human creatures lives

Life for these textile workers words cant even come close to describe. Hell for one is one word that i feel can come close to the conditions they had to live through. These people suffered a lot, they basically had no life , everything was just work. They worked from the early mornings to the cock a doodle doos of the roosters till the late night where the stars will shine the skies. Even while tired , hungry and dirty did they work but also i bet while they where sick. There was never any breaks it was slavery basically all day. no where to go to im sure because they need the money to surive. They worked so hard that they basically waste their life in what they do "o men, with mothers, and wives , it is not linen you're wearing out , but other humans lives". that right there is a powerful qoute i feel that shows how much they did and effort and time they wasted of their lives. These people where exhusted, who wouldnt be ? It wasn't fair under any circumstances for anyone to work like this it was basically slavery. they worked so much they'd dream about sewing buttons in a dream. " Till over the buttons I fall asleep ,and sew them on in a dream."

Friday, October 1, 2010

Rocky raccoon

The way that the Beatles portray the wild west was basically how Hollywood did.  They talk about how this guy named Rocky had his girlfriend taken away from this guy name Dan , and Rocky wanted revenge.  So he went to a saloon already equipped with his gun to have a duel with his rival. He was planning to shoot the legs of his rival, hoping by doing so his ex girlfriend would see how strong he is and take him back. And that's the same thing Hollywood Protrays these cowboys , constantly having duels over a girl or to show how strong they are, they just like to put on shows for people to watch. which isn't what a real cowboy is about they have more to what they do and aren't given a lot of credit for the hard work and challenges they had to face in their everyday life.

Ride 'em Cowboy!

Majority of the time we always hear about Cowboys, rarely do we hear about Cowgirls. Maybe its because on TV they only really show us about the Cowboy because its easier for Hollywood and other Television producers to protrade what a "Cowboy" is. And that's the problem many people do not know what exactly a "cowboy" is , we assume their guys who wear these weird boots , who always carry guns on them and constantly having duels. We don't think of the hard work they do , or struggles they had to make, or if they even had a family to support. We just make the assumption that cowboys just shoot people all day and really don't do much. To start off with many of these Cowboys had to leave their family and friends behind in the East to try to move on and create a better life in the West. In addition to that creating a new family with other cowboys was a part of their job. Majority of their time they would spend it riding around  the ranch , roping the horses and cattle and preparing the meat for dinner. Since they did not have stoves back then as we do now they would cook their meals out of a covered wagon. Other jobs that Cowboys did where at times to help break a horse which was a very difficult thing to do depending on the type of breed especially.   Many of the time Cowboys would put themselves in danger when trying to put a saddle on the horse because the horses could always react and injury someone because of fear or being uncomfortable. Since it was out West where the Cowboys traveled to and lived ,it was a more arid and dry climate they had to work in. Which means the weather that they had over there made it really difficult at times to get their jobs done as to cowboys were always wearing pants and long sleeve shirts. But that's not the worst part, the worst part is the had to travel large distances to get where they wanted to go. As you can see they didn't really have an easy life , where work wasn't a necessary, nothing was handed to them or invented to make their lives more easier.
         Through Hollywood's eyes this is how they protrade a cowboy. They first of all where tough men who ,drank and fought often. You would see many duels take place in movies and TV shows where two rivals would face each other and wait for one to pull the trigger.  They always were well groomed . What kind of cowboy in the 1800s is going was well groomed all the time? The cowboy for some reason that was considered the "hero" always won his dream girl. Hollywood made life as a cowboy seem fun and simple not a lot of work involved . They never showed what an actual cowboy does on an everyday life besides ride horses all day and get into fights. In conclusion , there are many diffrences in what a real cowboy is compared to what a cowboy is in Hollywoods version.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

were they really free?

The effect of the Reconstruction made it seem as if the slaves were set free? but were they? Sure they weren't considered slaves any longer , they could go to school , and do other things but they were very limited on what they can do but not on what they can not do . It seems as if that whole thing of setting the slaves free was kind of a joke because if you think about it where are free slaves supposed to go ? how are they going to get income to buy things that they need to survive? and most importantly many of the slaves had no education and were illiterate so what else did they know besides cleaning and doing yard work? And even after the slaves where free it was still the same on how they where viewed and treated by white people. just because they weren't consider slaves any longer  doesn't mean that white people didn't have the same attitude towards blacks. African Americans still weren't allowed to purchase or rent land, and marry whites.  In addition , majority of blacks ended up staying on white landowners lands and work there under unfair conditions that the landowners decided. so i honestly think that there really isn't any difference between before the Reconstruction and after.

why give amnesty?

I personally feel that the South shouldn't have been granted amnesty. I understand that Lincoln thought by granting amnesty to the South that the North and South could be together as one, but lets face it, this is reality not everyone is going to agree with him . Then because of him granting amnesty to the South the effect ended up being that many people in the North were angry at him. Who wouldn't get angry ? Especially the North who just finish loosing love ones in this chaotic war. Although Lincoln was trying to do what he thought was right , northerners  probably saw it as a bad thing because in other words they fought a war and lost love ones for nothing if hes just going to forgive the south and act like nothing ever happened.

Friday, September 10, 2010

we're fighting for each other in the end..

Was Lt. Col. Chamberlain right? Can a moral idea win a war?

I personally feel that he was completely right without a doubt. The states shouldn't have been separated with a line from free state to slave it should have been equal like it is today. I mean wasn't that what America stood for , freedom. Not judgment , on who you are or who you want to be. What ever happen to back then with "this land is your land , this land is my land". America is suppose to be a land of opportunity not segregation. We all live under one nation .and whether they liked it or not we fought for one another. If your fighting for the United States , then your fighting for everyone living in that country not just yourself. We as citizens of this country make up the United States with different talents we have, and backgrounds. Imagen how boring it would be to live under a nation where everyone is the same , in taste , food , language, ethnicity and so on. we all have value and no matter who you are. In addition i also think that a moral idea can win a war because don't you need ideas in order to figure out strategies in what type of techniques your going to use during the war in order to win.

its easy to judge but never understand!

Why do you think that stereotypes are so widely known by so many in our society?

There are stereotypes everywhere you go ,whether if your in school , at work or even while watching tv. The reason why I think people tend to stereotype a lot is because its more convenient for them to judge then to actually get to know someone and who they truly are. which is wrong because not everyone is the same. We as humans just tend to be lazy and not want to make an effort in getting to know someone, as to we feel that it wastes our useful time. A big thing that people tend to stereotype a lot on is ethnicity, they always have rude remarks or comments on someone and how there going to be without actually knowing there name first or who they are. which to me is dumb , how can someone assume what a persons going to be like or act like just based on there ethnicity? like  for example if  someone saw a Muslim person ,they would quickly assume that they're a terrorist who wants to do harm to the U.S. Which isn't true , not all Muslims or Arabic's are terrorist. But because of the way the media puts these people and their ethnicity down we assume that all of them are like that and its okay to say that, when its really not.

lie after lie..

"History is the lie commonly agreed upon." What did Voltaire mean by this quote?

What i think Voltarie was trying to say was that how we as people seem to agree on things that we were taught  before and keep teaching other people what we know from our understanding. But what we do not know is that many of the historical events on how the United States puts it as "we never loose" are lies the United States has failed several times and surrendered . And not only that but in addition there are many events never mentioned in textbooks that we use in school . So it isn't fair how we only get to hear one side of the story and what ever they want us to hear and not hear what really happen.

why not tell them?

 Should we change the way we teach younger students about the history of the United States?
Explain  I honestly think we should .  I mean why make history sound so happy and jolly that we won all the time when in reality we didn't. We're just basically lying to innocent kids who should have the right to know the truth. If some stories are to violent then don't sugar coat it and make it sound like we Americans always won and defeated a battle. Just wait till you think that the students are old enough to hear about it. That way they'll really know the truth in history instead of seeing it as in a one person point of view thing